IOException: Failed to Copy File

For build Windows phone 8 app
I can’t copy IAPMock.xml file to target VS project for WP8

I used

//Copy IAPMock.xml in the target VS Project for WP8
string pathToIAPMock = Application.dataPath + "\\Plugins\\WP8\\IAPMock.xml";
string targetPathToIAPMock = pathToBuiltProject + "\\" + PlayerSettings.productName + "\\IAPMock.xml";
UnityEditor.FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory(pathToIAPMock, targetPathToIAPMock);

I think you have to remove whitespaces from PlayerSettings.productName. Check if C:/Users/yim_b_000/Desktop/Soom-La/Test Project really exist, it might be C:/Users/yim_b_000/Desktop/Soom-La/TestProject

Thank you.