iOS app crash on start, android works fine

Im using Unity 5.52f1, when I try to submit my app to app store,
an error message say the app must be a 64bit one, I go back to Unity
Changed Scripting Backend from Mono2x to IL2CPP, no problem in unity
after build it with xcode and test it on any iOS devices, my app crash on start
Android experiences no problem

I think there might be something went wrong with the sql database

Thank you

Your likely best to post this in the iOS section - but you’re also going to need to supply a lot more information than “app crash” - what’s the crash info (it’ll be in the console log, crash log, etc).

I am sorry if I posted on the wrong section,
is >>>this<<< the iOS section?

anyway, heres are some more info of my situation

I get the following message in the Xcode log
“project01 was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available.”

This is what I get in Xcode

This is my settings in Unity

And heres the sql plugin I am using

The app works fine under the following settings in Unity

Is there anything I can do If I need to move it to iOS section,
can I just post again on iOS section?

Many Thanks