How to make app rating working on iOS Testflight ?
I try to request an in-app rating of the game I’m working on,
I call the method ‘Device.RequestStoreReview’ and it works well with local builds (from Xcode) but it does not work when downloading the build from Testflight.
The documentation is kinda vague:
I added In App Purchase, I created a StoreKit configuration file.
I found on the web that I need to implement a 'SKStoreReviewController" Swift script, but I clearly don’t understand this process to implement it. I’m a beginner using Xcode and here I’m confused.
Why Device.RequestStoreReview doesn’t work on Testflight by default?
Does someone can explain the whole process precisely step-by-step?
Thanks in advance.
I made new tests locally and in Testflight, without In-App purchase capability and without StoreKit configuration file in Xcode.
Device.RequestStoreReview always returns true (both with local builds and in Testflight, even if in Testflight it doesn’t show any popup).
I have no exception or error message.
I’m using Unity 2019.4.12f1, Xcode 12.1 and macOS 10.15.7.
I also saw here : Ratings, reviews, and responses - App Store - Apple Developer
that ‘You can prompt for ratings up to three times in a 365-day period.’
I don’t know if this rule is only valid for published in store apps or also valid for Testflight, that could explain why I don’t see this popup.