IOS build error - framework not found DeviceInfo


The build works fine on the mac, although had to set some files to ignore arc.

But when I build on the cloud I get the following error

framework not found DeviceInfo

The log states the following any ideas?

1665: [xcode] CompileC build/ Libraries/Plugins/iOS/ normal armv7 objective-c++
1666: [xcode] cd /BUILD_PATH/BVR_TEMP_DIR/d20150401-44726-6vhnq8/GameFramework
1667: [xcode] CompileC build/ Classes/Unity/ normal armv7 objective-c++
1668: [xcode] cd /BUILD_PATH/BVR_TEMP_DIR/d20150401-44726-6vhnq8/GameFramework
1669: [xcode] CompileC build/ Classes/Unity/ normal armv7 objective-c++
1670: [xcode] cd /BUILD_PATH/BVR_TEMP_DIR/d20150401-44726-6vhnq8/GameFramework
1671: [xcode] cd /BUILD_PATH/BVR_TEMP_DIR/d20150401-44726-6vhnq8/GameFramework
1672: [xcode] export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=6.0
1673: [xcode] ld: framework not found DeviceInfo
1674: [xcode] clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
1675: [xcode] ** BUILD FAILED **
1676: [xcode] The following build commands failed:
1677: [xcode] (1 failure)

It looks like one of your plugins miss a library or framework. Ensure you have checked in all lib files such as .a. More than that, 3rd party native plugins often need linker flags e.g. the linker flags when using Soomla plugin or similar IAP plugins. Those can be easily added by using XCode manipulation API.

proj.AddBuildProperty (target, “OTHER_LDFLAGS”, “-ObjC”);

Read more about the XCode manipulation API here where you can also see how to add frameworks:

Please also have a look in the forums, there are many people already using the XCode api to create similar systems.

Please let us know if this helps!