Description of issue: iOS fails to build
Unity version: 5.5.1p2
XCode version: 8.0
Source control: GIT - Bitbucket
Local build platform: MacOS Sierra
Build target: iOS
Relevant plugins being used: Stan Assets Ultimate Mobile
Project name: Sword01
Build log (relevant chunk):
61544: [xcode] Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
61545: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_MFMessageComposeViewController", referenced from:
61546: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_SocialGate.o
61547: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__GKNotificationBanner”, referenced from:
61548: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61549: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_GKFriendRequestComposeViewController", referenced from:
61550: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61551: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__GKAchievementViewController”, referenced from:
61552: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61553: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_GKAchievement", referenced from:
61554: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61555: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__GKLeaderboardSet”, referenced from:
61556: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61557: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_GKLocalPlayer", referenced from:
61558: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61559: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__GKPlayer”, referenced from:
61560: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61561: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_GKLeaderboard", referenced from:
61562: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61563: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__GKScore”, referenced from:
61564: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61565: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_GKMatchmaker", referenced from:
61566: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61567: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__SLRequest”, referenced from:
61568: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_SocialGate.o
61569: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_GKGameCenterViewController", referenced from:
61570: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61571: [xcode] "_SLServiceTypeFacebook", referenced from:
61572: [xcode] -[ISN_SocialGate fbPost:url:media:] in ISN_SocialGate.o
61573: [xcode] "_ACAccountTypeIdentifierTwitter", referenced from:
61574: [xcode] -[ISN_SocialGate twitterPostGif:url:] in ISN_SocialGate.o
61575: [xcode] -[IOSTwitterPlugin authificateUser] in ISN_SocialGate.o
61576: [xcode] -[IOSTwitterPlugin loadUserData] in ISN_SocialGate.o
61577: [xcode] -[IOSTwitterPlugin IsTwitterAuthed] in ISN_SocialGate.o
61578: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__MFMailComposeViewController”, referenced from:
61579: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_SocialGate.o
61580: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_SLComposeViewController", referenced from:
61581: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_SocialGate.o
61582: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController”, referenced from:
61583: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61584: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_ACAccountStore", referenced from:
61585: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_SocialGate.o
61586: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__SLComposeServiceViewController”, referenced from:
61587: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_SocialGate.o
61588: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS_GKMatchRequest", referenced from:
61589: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61590: [xcode] "_OBJC_CLASS__GKMatchmakerViewController”, referenced from:
61591: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61592: [xcode] “OBJC_CLASS$_GKTurnBasedMatch”, referenced from:
61593: [xcode] objc-class-ref in ISN_GameCenter.o
61594: [xcode] “_SLServiceTypeTwitter”, referenced from:
61595: [xcode] -[ISN_SocialGate twitterPost:url:media:] in ISN_SocialGate.o
61596: [xcode] ___37-[ISN_SocialGate twitterPostGif:url:]_block_invoke in ISN_SocialGate.o
61597: [xcode] ___32-[IOSTwitterPlugin loadUserData]_block_invoke in ISN_SocialGate.o
61598: [xcode] -[IOSTwitterPlugin postWithMedia:media:] in ISN_SocialGate.o
61599: [xcode] -[IOSTwitterPlugin post:] in ISN_SocialGate.o
61600: [xcode] -[IOSTwitterPlugin IsTwitterAvaliable] in ISN_SocialGate.o
61601: [xcode] ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
61602: [xcode] clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
61603: [xcode] ** ARCHIVE FAILED **
61604: [xcode] The following build commands failed:
61605: [xcode] Ld /BUILD_PATH/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-dhpfificbbsfbqdoigvfxtszkhan/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Unity-iPhone/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ normal arm64
61606: [xcode] (1 failure)
61607: ! build of ‘default-ios’ failed. compile failed
61608: Publishing build 51 of dac-15733/sword01 for target ‘default-ios’…
61609: Uploading extra_data/artifacts/icon.png …done
61610: publishing finished successfully.
61611: uninstalling iOS credentials for dac-15733/sword01 - default-ios
61612: MAC verified OK
61613: Removing certificate…
61614: removing: /BUILD_PATH/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/5d4b1ec5-1211-4e0a-bb77-5671e15536a0.mobileprovision
61615: done.
61616: Build step ‘Execute shell’ marked build as failure
61617: postbuildstatus finished successfully.
61618: Finished: FAILURE