ios build failing with "too many errors emitted"

Unity Cloud build is failing to make an ios build with the latest 5.0.1p2 Unity version.
In the log it says “too many errors emitted” and that there are 20 errors, but actually, even in the full log, there is only 1 error about an icon’s texture being not readable by the scripts.
The same icon error is not stopping builds with older Unity versions and there is no “too many errors emitted” message.

I couldn’t see where are this 20 errors and what actually needs to be fixed?
It would be nice if I could say to the UCB’s compiler “-ferror-limit=0” and to try to build with as many errors as it gets, but I didn’t find an option to set compiler flags.
I also tried to fix this icon texture’s problem, being not readable, with writing by hand in it’s meta file “isReadable: 1” but without success.

Please help!

Here is the short log:

21: [Unity] WARNING: Shader Unsupported: ‘Hidden/InternalSplashShadowReceiver’ - Setting to default shader.
22: [Unity] Finished exporting player successfully.
23: [Unity] ERROR: Caught exception writing icon:
24: + Building with Xcode 6.0.1
25: [xcode] /* */
26: [xcode] /BUILD_PATH/game.551d1a5064b2ee6d551df748.default-ios/client/game/temp.CkQGPf/Unity-iPhone/Images.xcassets:./LaunchImage.launchimage/[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][Default-Landscape.png]: warning: The launch image set “LaunchImage” has 4 unassigned images.
27: [xcode] /BUILD_PATH/game.551d1a5064b2ee6d551df748.default-ios/client/game/temp.CkQGPf/Classes/UI/ warning: ‘wantsFullScreenLayout’ is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 7.0 [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
28: [xcode] /BUILD_PATH/game.551d1a5064b2ee6d551df748.default-ios/client/game/temp.CkQGPf/Classes/UI/ warning: ‘wantsFullScreenLayout’ is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 7.0 [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
29: [xcode] /BUILD_PATH/game.551d1a5064b2ee6d551df748.default-ios/client/game/temp.CkQGPf/Classes/UI/ warning: ‘presentFromViewController:’ is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 7.0 - Use -[UIViewController requestInterstitialAdPresentation] and related APIs documented in <iAd/UIViewControlleriAdAdditions.h>. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
30: [xcode] fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
31: [xcode] 20 errors generated.
32: [xcode] ** BUILD FAILED **
33: ! build of ‘default-ios’ failed. compile failed
34: Finished: FAILURE
Status: FAILED

Does it build locally properly? Does it work with a previous version? Errors might not show up as errors, but could also be logout pointing to a specific problem not using the words error. You might want to check the log again to see if there is a specific problem occurring.

Can you check the file in editor and change the readable flag there and commit the changes? Is the file readable when you check out the repository?

Yes it builds locally properly.
Yes it works with a previous version.
Ok then, i should check the log for errors which are not indicated as such. Are warnings counted as errors?

About the readable texture - when i do this trough the editor, it actually makes “isReadable: 0” in the meta file. I haven’t tried to check out the repository on a clean folder. I will try.

Well, there are also errors which simply do not show up as error but as info text or similar, especially if you use Plugins which might treat errorhandling differently. Could you tell me your project id so we can have a look?

The errors seem to be related to IL2CPP, but if you say it’s building locally, it’s very likely NO regression. So I wonder if this might be cause by using different XCode Versions. Which XCode Version do you use locally?

We use locally XCode Version 6.3 (6D570) and 6.3.1 without this problems.

Could you do me the favor and try it with XCode 6.0.1 locally? You should see the same error in XCode too;

[xcode] /opt/workspace/pathToproject/Classes/Native/Il2CppMethodTable.cpp:11:17: error: functions that differ only in their return type cannot be overloaded
       [xcode] extern "C" void Singleton_1_get_Instance_m18540_gshared ();

Unfortunatelly we don’t have XCode 6.0.1 and I don’t know how to install older version on the mac :frowning:
You mean that is the version in the UCB? Can we somehow upgrade it or select another? What are our options as developers?

We had no cases yet which would need a newer version of XCode which means you can not select it in UCB right now. XCode 6.3 is currently in test mode and will be added hopefully soon. You need to download older version of XCode from external places as the app store does not support downgrading or store them locally before you update to a new XCode version. However, we would be also interested if you use feature e.g. Apple Watch in your app which are new to XCode 6.1,6.2 or 6.3. It’s also possible that you use Plugins which require a newer XCode version. Which Plugins do you use?

OK, we’ve downloaded XCode 6.0.1 and builded it locally. It’s running and there is no such error as the one you’ve pasted here.
I will send you the build log in personal message, it’s quite big.
Maybe there are some build settings that differ now?
Anyway besides of waiting for upgrade to XCode 6.3 in UCB, do we have another option?

As it works locally with XCode 6.0.1 is probably unrelated to the XCode version. Does it build locally and in UCB properly when you use Mono instead of IL2CPP in Scripting Backend settings of the player? Have you updated all plugins? Which plugins do you use?