iOS builds running for 6+ hours before being automatically cancelled after being forced to move to Ventura-Silicon

Yesterday our builds started failing with MacOS Ventura (DEPRECATED) with this error (build said success, but just had these in logs)

You are using an operating system version which is no longer supported, we recommend updating the configuration to use a newer operating system version.

Just changing to Ventura-Silicon, without any other changes, show that builds are starting as usual, but after a few minutes there’s just nothing happening in logs, for up to 6 hours. Then the build gets cancelled (see timestamps):

[2025-01-09T03:22:14Z - Unity] [00:00:01] Finished 1 Bake Runtime job (0.05s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.07s wallclock)
[2025-01-09T03:22:14Z - Unity] [00:00:01] Bake took 0.089392 seconds.
[2025-01-09T03:22:14Z - Unity] [00:00:01] Finished 1 Bake Ambient Probe job (0.00s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.02s wallclock)
[warning] Build was canceled
Killing process…
Using /BUILD_PATH/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.5
[2025-01-09T09:47:58.160Z] - - INFO: postbuildsteps finished successfully
[2025-01-09T09:48:00.376Z] - - INFO: postbuildstatus finished successfully.
[warning] Finished: CANCELED

Most important concern is unblocking any way to build for us. Then there’s the issue whatever transition we’ll be forced to make will seemingly not work for us, and I’m also guessing that we’ll get billed for 6+ hours builds.

There’s not much info to go on for us, so I’m not sure what else to provide. We’re on Unity 2021.3.36f1 with XCode 15.2.0. We’ve tried both Apple-Intel and Apple-Silicon for the editor architecture, seemingly with the same stalling result.

Please let us know if we can add info to help debugging.

After trying again this morning, it looks like we’re still able to use the MacOS Ventura (DEPRECATED) setup, which worked as usual. I suspect the transition can cause this to fail at some %.

The issue still stands though, because my understanding is that this setup is getting deprecated this month.

This is just a message appended to the top of the logs and has no impact on the builds themselves. We added this log message so that users using Intel Hardware with Ventura are aware they need to make changes to their target configurations.

Right, thanks. So maybe in that case the bug was just that logs weren’t available - there was this other message under:

You are using an operating system version which is no longer supported, we recommend
updating the configuration to use a newer operating system version.

[error] Error loading logs; logs unavailable for this project & build.

There is still the larger issue that our builds just fail with the new soon-to-be-mandatory settings.

This is typically seen before a build has actually started running on a physical machine.

If you are running into issues with the build that only occur on Silicon hardware and not on Intel then I recommend opening up a support ticket so our team can dig into what’s going on.

You can also try switching the editor architecture when running on Silicon to either use the ARM or Intel (under emulation) on the new hardware.

Turns out we just retried a build and it worked now, so I assume something was up that day. Thanks.