I had unity3d code created in Unity 4.3. To support arm64, I imported same code in Unity 5 (Personal Edition). After updating some deprecated function, I was able to make iOS build from it using IL2CPP. The output was a xcode project as usual. I copied files from new code to my existing project and made necessary changes to make it look similar to code exported from Unity 5.
Till here It was working fine, but when I started to build my project, It started showing me multiple errors like following :
/Applications/Xcode 6.2.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/include/c++/v1/cstring:72:9: No member named ‘strcpy’ in the global namespace
These errors occurs while compiling precompiled headers. Attached some links to screenshots for more information.