iOS crashes are reported, but we got none in analytics

Hi everyone,

Currently we have an app running in the iOS store. It seems to be generating crashes rather often, 50 times a day, and this is causing our client some distress. We want to help out on resolving this, but we cannot get the error to show up in analytics.

We tried all unity’s provided tools foor crash analytics. Tried unity’s analytics, google analytics. Nothing reports back any form of crash. Even if you check it on next run of the app.

Issues started when updating the project from 4.X to 5.X Since then these keep happening.
No specific point in the app notices a larger then normal dropoff rate. No negative reviews are incoming claiming the app has issues either. The crashes are reported on all iOS versions, over both iPad and iPhones equally.

At this point we have not much info to go on. Is there any way we can get more specific details from iOS Analytics. Or someway get a report from an app that hard crashed somehow?

Is there also a possibility that the app doesn’t crash, but iOS reports it as a crash either way?

Any and all insight would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance,

Is there no other way to get around this or to get more information?

Yes, iOS often generates excessive wake-ups exception reports, which do not affect operation of the app.

Is there any way to verify this so we can report/show this to our client?
Did it also happen to be caused more often in Unity 5.X then it was back in 4.5.X? Since that is what we saw happening since the app updated.

Thanks for your reply!

You need to obtain sample crash report, and you can tell by exception type recorded in the report.
If I remember correctly Unity 5 does increase frequency of such reports.

Thanks for the clarification. As far as google took me. Seems that you get these samples through Xcode? Excuse us for not being native iOS developers, so these tools are sort of foreign to us. But we will see what we can get out of it!

Thanks for tour insight!