iOS don't show password window when purchase in testflight version

When I press purchase button, nothing happen, even password window not show up. This just happen on my phone, on other phones it normal.
Please check my log file.

6071109–658266–iap log.txt (3.97 KB)

I don’t see the IAP version in the logs? Are you testing this with XCode? Since you can reproduce, you should be able to see your Debug.Log statements. Place them in all your purchasing methods How To - Capturing Device Logs on iOS

Thank you for fast reply. I put Debug.Log into purchasing flow. As you can see m_StoreController.InitiatePurchase() was called. After that no password window was shown, so no IAP callback was called. btw I’m using IAP version [1.23.3] - 2020-06-28. Please check my purchase script.

6074559–658746–IAPManager.cs (15.5 KB)

Sorry I believe you forgot to attach the logs