iOS: Failed to register device: Request validation failed

I have been using Unity Cloud Build since the beginning of this week but I get an error on an iOS device, when I download the provisioning from Unity after it sends me back to the browser page I get the error in the attached images.

Any ideas on how to solve this?

I have found that if you reset your device identification you may pass the next verification step :S

Having a possibly similar issue: one of our devices tries to open a build sharing link from Cloud Build, but says it needs to detect the device UID before installation, then attempting to Install Unity Setup Profile (Device Enrollment Challenge) - selecting “Install” apparently does nothing but reroutes back to the web site which displays a plain white, stuck web page, doing nothing. Reopening the build share link also just restarts this process with no change since the first round.

Assuming this is a similar issue (I don’t get that error dialog), what does your workaround mean and how is that done (“resetting device identification”?).

alejandro__ -

I honestly don’t know what is making iOS send us all the parameters twice, but I’ve got a fix ready that will account for it. Should be out next week.

As far as resetting your device you can go to:

You can also try removing any previous device profiles if they’re installed.

Detecting the UDID still causes the same “install confirmation ends with a blank web page” issue, but at least I was able to install a build again by doing the reset, then signing in to Cloud Build as a contributor and clicking the install button for latest build.

Nope, I take that back. Apparently the UDID detection / profile installation still keeps failing however many times I try it and the share install links do not work at all on a seemingly random set of our devices for no apparent reason.

Only way I seem to be able to install builds on these devices is to log in on a collaborator account and find the install button for a specific build - this works for even the builds that the “share build” links keep failing.

The main problem seems to be an iOS 8.4.1 iPhone 6 Plus which still has no success, while our other devices seem to have shared links install the builds by now, after an afternoon of removing profiles from Settings/General, resetting via the link given earlier, uninstalling and reinstalling the app via share links.

This is a huge source of frustration: this used to work until a week or two ago and then suddenly the Cloud Build site updated and our workflow is blocked.


Could you please notify the thread when your fix goes in production?

Thanks in advance.

Works for me now. :slight_smile:

I had similar issues. Resetting the UDID didn’t work. But when I went back to the settings app, I saw the profile was still sitting there waiting to be installed. I installed it again, it took me back to cloud build in safari, and now I seem able to install builds. I also threw a few device resets in there.

…ah I spoke too soon. it downloads the app, then right at the end tells me “this app could not be downloaded at this time”.

…and I spoke too soon at speaking too soon! my provisioning profile had expired. now I’m back up and running again.

hi guys, can somebody please help me with this?
I tried to install Unity Cloud build to my iPad.
However it always failed at “Install Profile” stage.
I have cross-checked and my UDID is correct.
The Unity cloud build installed with no issue at all on my other 2 devices.

What is your device and OS version? I haven’t seen that before.