[iOS] Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie pauses when headset is removed

I am trying to play a intro video using Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie(url, Color.black, FullScreenMovieControlMode.Hidden), video is playing as expected .

But on iOS when we remove the headset, video pauses, since the control mode is hidden, player have no control to continue playing the video. Video will resume only when we give an interrupt.

Is there a way to fix this issue?

I am using Unity 5.4.4p1.

This is by design on the iOS platform. I’m not terribly familiar with how Unity implements this, but the only way to alter this behavior for iOS apps is to hook into the AVAudioSessionRouteChange event via the NotificationCenter and handle the event yourself. I’m not 100% certain that you can achieve gapless playback using this technique, but it’s worth a shot if it’s a requirement.