Hi everyone. I tried to enroll the apple developer program(99$) for publishing my game on IOS. I’m working on a pc and I know that for building my game I need Xcode.(I will use my friend’s MAC for building the final release). When I try to enroll the developer program it shows up a “page not found”. I also need a MAC for purchasing this program? And if I also need a MAC for enroll the program I will be able to control my app on a PC after published?
You should be able to sign up for the developer program from a PC (I did it that way). There are a few features that don’t work on a PC, for example, I believe to view and upload app preview videos on the app store you need to be using Safari.
I don’t know what you mean by “control my app on a pc.” You will still be able to run the game in the editor on a PC and write code in MonoDevelop/VS, but you won’t be able to make iOS builds or connect via Unity Remote.