IOS Rejection because of problem with UnityAds.

Hi there, I’m really hoping someone can help me with this problem.

So in short my app was rejected by apple because of the following:

  • guideline 3.1 - Apps or metadata that mentions the name of any other mobile platform will be rejected
  • Apple then said:*
  • We noticed that your app or its metadata contains irrelevant platform information in the advertisments. Providing future platform compatibility plans, or other platform references, is not appropriate for the App Store.
    Next Steps
    Please remove any instances of this information from your app and its marketing materials, including the Application Description, What’s New info, Previews and screenshots.
  • They also attached a screenshot (see attached)*

When I asked for more details they said that : 'it’s inappropriate to display non-iOS platform reference even in advertisements. ’

In short, they don’t want google play logo’s on their appstore. Whats completely rediculous is if you watch enough Adverts whilst playing Crossy Road on an ios device, some of their adverts also contain google play logo’s so I’ve no idea why they have set a different rule for me.

Does anybody know how I can go about correcting solving this in my project or maybe there is something I’m missing?

Bump, really need some help with this sorry.

Hi Itsemealex100,

Sometimes their app review process can be really tight, and it seems that you have been caught by: a) really strict reviewer and b) and advertisement that does show both Google play & appstore logos.

This is the first time we hear somebody has bumped their head against this particular rule.

And yes, quite a few of our advertisers have both Google Play icons & Appstore icons in their videos. We are trying to reach Apple to get a confirmation of this.

My personal opinion is that you should just submit the app to another review, with explanation that you have contacted your ad network, and you cannot really control what ads are being shown.


Hi Heikki,
thanks for your reply, not sure if it makes me feel better or worse haha. I’ll go ahead and resubmit, not sure if I’ll mention the ads unless they reject the app again, just so that it doesn’t draw more attention to the problem. At least I now know that there’s not much I can do about it. Please let me know if Apple gets back to you, Fingers crossed for better luck I guess, thanks again!

I’m currently having the same issue… only they messaged me asking for screenshots. I’m waiting for 14 days already… :confused:

Just to let you know; we have started contacting our advertisers to provide us with “apple-acceptable” ads that do not mention Google play store.

This rule 3.1 has been there for a while, but we haven’t seen it being enforced before for advertisements.

If you face rejections because of google play being shown in our videos, please post to this thread.


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yeah… So I just got rejected because of this :frowning: damn ads

has anyone had any luck with just resubmitting and hoping they don’t notice?

The same reason? Rule 3.1?

Yup! 3.1… They also attached a screenshot.

Is there any current solution?

I have had this rule enforced against me for having a button that linked to a web page referencing both the App Store and Google Play, so I’m not surprised they’re enforcing it with ads. I haven’t had a problem with my first recent batch of UnityAds submissions, but I just saw a Marvel ad with prominent App Store and Google Play badges, and I’m guessing that would scotch a submission.

yeah it seems to just come down to chance really… Like you’ve got to hope the ad they see doesn’t have it…

Hi guys,

Just an update here. We’ve reached out to our advertisers, and gotten the most often shown campaigns to drop the Play store badge. (We have cleaned 90% of the campaigns at the time I’m writing this)

The rest of 10% of campaigns are rarely shown, but we are working on those.

So if you submit your game now;

  • We can probably get the updates for the rest during the wait time
  • And even if we don’t get all of them it is very likely that your game will show “clean” campaign during the review


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Thats great news! I resubmitted my game a couple days ago! So hopefully the review will get the “clean” ads.

Is this all backend stuff right? like we don’t have to update the package or anything to get clean ads right?

My client’s app was rejected today due to a “Game of War” Ad having both Google Play and Amazon badges on it. Are there steps I can take to ensure my next binary submitted won’t encounter this again? I can’t submit, wait a week or so, and then hope it isn’t caught. Time is money, Friends. :slight_smile:

I am also finishing up another game that utilizes Unity Ads and I would like to be prepared for that one as well.

woop! Finally got approved! but I’m pretty sure it was luck because I’ve seen a couple ads in the game that still show the google play badge

I just got rejected by the app store for the same reason. Should I just submit again, or is there a way to only show the ads that have been cleaned up – at least for the review process.

Just submit again, there’s only a few that shows ‘unclean’ ads. My game got rejected the first time, but the second time it went in review they didn’t see any ‘unclean’ ads, and now it’s live! woop but I still see the google play badge all the time

My latest app was just rejected by Apple for this reason. They didn’t mention any other issues with the game so I’ve just resubmitted it this morning…

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Apple responded already by rejecting my app again. Same reason, they included two screenshots this time…