IOS shader profiler

Hi, could someone please describe a way to profile shaders in IOS devices ?
As far as I understand it ( and my knowledge is very very limited ) :

  • Profiling should be performed on device, while the program in question is running
  • XCode app called Instruments can be of help ( but how ) ?

Please excuse my ignorance on this matter, I would appreciate any thoughts - references.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Check out Aras’ blog for some cool stuff about this:

Thanks a lot for the link, this is a very interesting source and most of my “optimizations” are based on this page actually.
Problem is I try to measure the efficiency of my “optimizations”. I try to find a way to profile the shaders.
So, regarding this article, question is how did @Aras found out these values

Not how he achieved this optimization.

Timing code in this project:

He goes into timing a bit more here, but best of all he’s on this forum so I hope he reads this and realises we’re his greatest fans and helps us out :slight_smile:

I don’t know how to do timing for it, but it should be in that xcode project.

Unity developers waiting for @Aras ( or @Rej, or anybody who knows actually ) to respond.
( When they return from vacation :slight_smile: )