[iOS] Steelbound Sky - SHMUP x Touch Gesture Mechanics


The game is now out on the App Store!


Please support the official release if you can!

Hello Unity Forums,

I am on the verge of releasing a game called Steelbound Sky. It’s a game which is inspired by traditional shoot’em ups but is combined with a contemporary control scheme.

Please understand I was able to create this game by using many assets from the Unity Asset Store. So even though I made this game using UDK, I wanted to share this with all you Unity devs.

Rather than taking control of a ship, you are in control of the wind. Wind streams are used to manipulate projectiles or enemies themselves. It’s a game which takes advantage of touch controls rather than trying to retrofit analogue buttons or joysticks on a screen.

Official Trailer:

Some screenshots:

If you wanted to check out some more Trailers or screenshots, here is the official site:


It will soon be out now on the iOS store! I will update this post with the link in the next few weeks.

Since this game is truly built for a tablet experience I recommend that it is played on an iPad. However, it is fully compatible with most iPhones/iPod touches.

A PC version is working pretty well at the moment, and is being considered for release in the future.

This game started off as a group post University Project. However What you see in terms of programming, enemy wave design and UI are all my work . Staring near beginning of last year it was pretty much a 1 man team. Enemy pattern designs, general ideas, environment design/placement, testing and assembling the game together are mostly my solo work. I had to outsource a lot of 3D content and music from places like the Unity store. I was able to do various 2D texture editing task such creating particle effect textures which is generally simpler. So I hope you understand why the art style may not seem that creative; I have a purely game programming background, had to split my time resources into every section of the pipeline and have minimum art skills. But it was interesting to have my hands directly engaged in every aspect of game development.

Steelbound Sky Links:

I hope you give it a try soon and enjoy it. Please ask any questions or give any feedback/criticism.

-Witherwood Studios

UPDATE! The Game is now out on the App Store! Please support the release!



Theoretically, you can make any game you want with Unity. So I don’t think it is appropriate to post a game in “made by Unity” just because it “can” be. Otherwise it makes the thread looks simply like an advertisement of your game as we can’t discuss the techniques you have used in your game.
And are you really using UDK? AFAIK it is quite old. The new engine is called UE4.
The game itself does sound interesting. I will give it a try when it hits Android.

I have stated in my original post that I have used many Assets from the Unity store in this project. I am grateful for the content provided by Unity Store and the companies allowance to let me use it in other game engines.

Its an advertisement, of course, but I also wanted to share my game with others.

Gaming development concepts and techniques expand beyond that of the engine. I am happy to discuss my game development experience with anyone.

The game development started before the release of UE4. The success and quality of a game is not reliant on the engine. I think a lot of older engines are truly never utilized to their fullest potential. Stamping Unreal 4 on front of your will not make your game magically good. UDK/UE3 is still amazing and is robust. One of the most impressive looking games to me right now is still Guilty Gear Xrd, and that is running on UE3.

Cheers. I hope it does hit android one day. Most likely PC next but we will see. :wink: