iOS terminated due to memory pressure

Good day folks!

So i have been programming a 2D game for about a year now but only recently i got a mac to do the iOS part.
everything was fine ( lies ) and dandy ( more lies )for the port to iOS… until now.

i recently added google’s admob framework to it and now i get that damn message for iphone 4
(note i also have a facebook sdk as well…and had issues with them sharing .jars which was solved )

terminated due to memory pressure


infact what i found out if i keep pressing the app over and over it will load
and in xcode the memory once it reaches 300mb will crash but times that it does load the memory is only 213-220

before the google ads sdk i never had a single crash and i know the sdk shouldn’t be the one causing this? would it?
what i am really asking is why such a difference? ive learnt ( the hard way) that i must instantiate all my objects and leave them inactive and use them only when needed (which solved me many performance hickups )
but why when i had tons of gameobjects on screen running no crash (horrible performance thou ) now i added an sdk crash?

so i could kindly LOVE some answers to the questions below;

what are the initial processes when the game loads?
how can i decrease load times at the beginning of the game? ( game has 1 scene )
how can i make unity notice that this is an iphone4 not an iphone6? ( really need this one to help with the quality of animations )
how to scale the scene, gameobject ( or what i recently read canvas ) to fit everywhere scene without gaps and holes in my game.

and i the final answer worth 200 points…
How to solve an animation issue that is inherit to iphone4 not any version above
one of my animation plays fully coloured… like completely blue everywhere there is something to draw!
try the same animation on iphone5 or 6 NO PROBLEMS!

oh shoot i am using unity 5.2.1
1 day later no rely? wow… oh well just like everything else ill figure it out

so no help from anyone here!
it seems my random errors of crashes was existing before the framework
soo i solved that question… but help is still needed