iOS Testrunner doesn't run the app on test device


I have a problem setting up the iOS Testrunner. The whole build process runs fine and there aren’t any errors but Unity will never push the actualy test application to the device.

All I get is 200 times the message “No data received from the player yet”. If I check the iOS device the app isn’t even installed.
Even weirder if I manually navigate to the generated Xcode project in the temp folder I can run the Unit Tests just fine… It seems unity simply doesn’t start the test app or somehow fails in doing so without generating an error.

My Unity version is 2017.2.2p

Edit: The device and IOS_DEVICE_ID seems to be fine as well. If I change it to a wrong one I will get an error as expected.

in the Editor log states the following:
[proxy] Start proxy: MY DEVICE ID 10000->55000
[proxy] Failed to connect to device: Connection refused
No data received from the player yet

Edit2: I can even get the results in unity if I quickly manually install the app and run it while Unity Editor is trying to connect to it. So everything seems to be working fine except the part where unity should automatically install and run the tests …

Am I the only one with that problem? After weeks still no solution

Installing xcode 8.3.3 and switching the used default xcode using:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

resolved this issue.