We are currently developing Android and IOS simultaneously, and in the case of IOS, the UI moves little by little depending on the tilt of the phone. I think it’s because I added AR, but is there a way to solve this problem?
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Provide additional information:
- Unity version
- AR Engine: AR Foundation or ARCore, ARKit separately; Vuforia; etc.
- UI Engine: uGUI, UI Toolkit, …
- Canvas > Render Mode
P.S. never heard about this issue:
I worked with different AR Engines, and motion sensors separately…
Still, it looks like a man-made problem: possibly with something in hierarchy…
Also, will be great when providing video demo of the issue.
Did you try with different iOS devices?
This phenomenon occurred when changing the canvas mode to camera in Unity and connecting an ar camera. The fix was completed by changing it to overlay. thank you