The following line of code works perfectly in desktop Unity:
Network.Connect(remoteIP, port);
In iPhone Unity, it gives the following error:
Assets/Scripts/Core.js(424,48 ): BCE0004: Ambiguous reference ‘Connect’: UnityEngine.Network.Connect((String), int), UnityEngine.Network.Connect(String, int).
I am really looking forward to some iPhone specific documentation. How could a reference be Ambiguous?
Your remoteIP prob returned an array of IPs’
The (String) as apposed to String means an array of. Are you sure you are not passing the function multiple IP’s?
Thanks Seon!
It turned out to be that I wasn’t explicitly declaring remoteIP as a String.
If only that error message was a bit less ambiguous
Haha… glad you got it sorted !
What an exciting day hey !
Totally exciting!
I am nearly half way to getting Mars Explorer to compile… And it’s all down hill from there
Man, you’re all making me want to spend $… must… wait… for… paycheck… aaarrrggh!!!