iPhone and multidimensional arrays in C#

Just found this works fine within Unity, but crashes on the phone upon startup, without an error message! :?

First I define a public array to hold some sound effects:

public AudioSource[ ] SFX_MowMow_Thrown_Short,

the sound files for these are then filled in through the editor.

Then I set up my arrays:

AudioSource[ ][ ][ ] aSFX_Throw = new AudioSource[2][ ][ ];
AudioSource[ ][ ] MowMowThrows = new AudioSource[3][ ];

…and fill one in:

MowMowThrows[0] = SFX_MowMow_Thrown_Short;
MowMowThrows[1] = SFX_MowMow_Thrown_Med;
MowMowThrows[2] = SFX_MowMow_Thrown_Long;
aSFX_Throw[0] = MowMowThrows;

Then, as an example of playing one, I use:

aSFX_Throw[0][2][Random.Range( 0, aSFX_Throw[0][2].Length-1 )].Play( );

Is anyone aware of any array-related bugs? Again, it works fine when running from within Unity, but on the phone it crashes. If I comment out the above code, everything works fine.

I can code around the problem, but thought I’d better point it out - obscure it may be :smile:

I’m using such a construct for my onscreen keyboard so no array related issue.

Sure that the sound you try to playback converts over to iphone at all? Ie is it a wav that you set to compress within Unity?

The sound is played after a certain action, so it’s not had chance to be played before the crash occurs.

In your code, are you using [ ] [ ] [ ], or [,] ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m using [ ][ ] as you are (needed, there are 3 lines of keys with different lengths) for the sound.
what I would recommend is that you debug it a bit.
Take the value and assign it and then play the sound from that variable after you ensured its not 0

from the source given it would be null actually and therefor just crash.

also you fill the [ ][ ] array but for playback you use the [ ][ ][ ] array which is not the same.
Perhaps its just [ ][ ][ ] that can not be used, iPhone is .NET 1.1 to keep in mind.

Found it. It’s 3 dimensions it doesn’t like :

AudioSource[][][]	 aSFX_Throw = new AudioSource[2][][];

I found a handy thing called ArrayList, so I now have :

	ArrayList					MowMowThrows = new ArrayList( );
	ArrayList					aSFX_Throw = new ArrayList( );


	MowMowThrows.Add( SFX_MowMow_Thrown_Short );
	MowMowThrows.Add( SFX_MowMow_Thrown_Med );
	MowMowThrows.Add( SFX_MowMow_Thrown_Long );
	aSFX_Throw.Add( MowMowThrows );


   	ArrayList sndBank = (ArrayList)aSFX_Throw[0];
	AudioSource[] sndDist = (AudioSource[])sndBank[2];
	sndDist[Random.Range( 0, sndDist.Length-1 )].Play( );

It’s a bit long-winded, but it works! :smile: