Hi im working on my second application there is hardly anything in the scene two boxes and a few images yet my final build size is 21 megs should it be that big even with hardly any assets in the file? when i zip it it zips to 6 megaybytes is that accebtable for normal downloads? non wifi? if not any ideas what i could be doing wrong? or what i could do to make the file smaller?
This build size is related to the fact that the mono corelibs already weight nearly 10MB in size.
Also forget about what you see with zip.
OSX zips the stuff with “maximum”, but the packages on the iphone will not be compressed with this profile but a much weaker one. Expect shrinks of 10-20% at max
I think the iphone 2.0 OS did use the maximum compression profile, which resulted in hours of installing (especially for apple’s own poker game which is 120mb in size) due to the speed of the ARM CPU and the low amount of RAM for decompression of zips
cheers for the heads up
Yeah, it’s essentially impossible with Unity to get below the 10 MB cell limit. So you might as well go crazy.
A little unsure about this issue could some one clarify… if i create a unity file and the zip file under six megs insize once its approved by apple will end users be able to download it to there iphone without haveing Wifi or direct connection to the computer?
as my understanding is anything over ten megabytes is wifi download only…
it will not be 6mb on the appstore.
it will be the original app size * 0.8 to app size * 1.0
so if it was 20mb before zipping for example it will be between 16 and 20mb on the appstore.
you can not get below 10mb, especially not with iPhone Basic where the mono lib already is that large.
cheers for clearing that up for me
Honestly it took me about 45 seconds to realize you were saying 80% - 100%.
The day job really hurts. LOL.
iPhone’s minimum is 8gb, it’s not really a paltry amount, and users may not be very critical of the space a few games take. I’d hope to keep anything under 200mb though.
any idea how much you can strip down the size using iphone advanced ?
20mb of an empty scene seems quite expansive for mobile devices ):
As an example, our first game with Basic was 17.3mb on the App Store. After buying and re building with Advanced it is now 10.2mb on the App Store.
If your shipped file to the App Store is sub 4.7mb (zipped) I believe you should appear on the App Store under the 10mb mark.
Thats interesting to know…has anybody using advanced seen a noticeable increase in sales when releasing a app under 10 megabytes?..
Thats interesting to know…has anybody using advanced seen a noticable increase in sales when releasing a app under 10 megabytes?..
I just sent a week ago my app to apple connect.
49Mb uncompresed, 21Mg zipped. I just didnt worry about size, i have unity indie.
Don’t know- but today on the App Store under Games / “Top Paid Apps” 4/10 of them are over 10 MB. Just thought thas was interesting.
Quite surprised with that stat …genuinely thought that if your app was over ten megs would really affect your downloads…so thats good new wont be rushing out to buy Unity Iphone advanced unless they add GPS or some vibration action o lower the price!
Quite surprised with that stat …genuinely thought that if your app was over ten megs would really affect your downloads…so thats good new wont be rushing out to buy Unity Iphone advanced unless they add GPS or some vibration action o lower the price!
The 10 meg boorder is only a problem if you intend to create a simplistic game which is targeted at “pickup, go and drop” style users.
Otherwise its pretty much no problem. For example Apple’s own poker game, taking part in the top 10 starting the appstore and months later, is a good 120MB in size.
Same goes for many other games that are more complex than a little match 3 style game.
Im planning to do a simple 2d game so the big build size is something that really makes think to write my own 2d engine ...but that
ll cost time and nerves.
artzfx mentioned he was able to bring down the file size after upgrading to pro/advance.
I wasn`t able to find any info on this, but what components are actually availible that you can you strip away in advanced ?
the stripping will remove what you didn’t use. Its not like you can not use something due to stripping.