iPhone Game - Lawn Bowls

Hi All,

Thought I’d share some screenshots from my iPhone Lawn-Bowls game - very near to distribution stage.


—> Video preview now available HERE.

—> Available now from the iTunes App Store HERE.

Wow! This is great for an iPhone game. One minor thing I would do, though, is change the interface to a more glossy one to fit in with the iPhone.

Looks very good! And it looks like the type of game that would do well on the iPhone.

How are you doing the shadowing on the balls? It appears that each ball has some type of ambient occlusion, but pixel shaders do not work on the iPhone.

Thank you! It’s been a bit of a labour of love over the past few months.

To be honest I wasn’t really sure if this is the sort of game that would be popular on the iPhone (wrong age group perhaps?) - but it is playing very well with the TouchScreen or Accelerometer controls, and the CPU skill levels are quite challenging to beat…

Hopefully going to upload to iTunesConnect tonight… (quite excited really, this is my first one).

@ Jon - Yes I agree, thanks, I might add a more shiny interface tonight.

@Randy - Blob-shadows are faked, a texture under the bowls with specular shading on the bowl itself - fairly convincing tho.

How did you render the white circles over the terrain? Projector? I suppose they arent 3d objects

Simone007 - do you mean the colored circles on the lawn targeting the jack?

If so, they are just a 2d-Texture (with transparency) rendered onto a plane game-object sitting just above ground level.

One art comment: Can you change the shadow color on just the balls? Maybe add some green to it to fake bounced light and brighten it up a little bit? I think it would make the lighting even better looking and also help read the balls better, visually. Right now, the bottoms sort of bleed together and into the ground to become shadowy blobs. I’m not familiar with Unity iPhone, so I don’t know if that would even be possible.

Love the look of the menu system. The flat, simple design is efficient and slick.

Oh, the game looks fun, too

looks nice! how do the controls work? and what pricing range are you aiming for?

I think it will do okay on the appstore… My curling game is quite similar (fairly small target audience, but fairly high production values) and that is doing quite okay… You might even do better since people seem to buy lots of stuff with “bowl” in the name according to the top 100 sports-game charts :wink:

Looks like a fun game. I would make the shadows a tad harder. Right now they seem way too soft and too big (spread out too much). Just my 2 1/2 cents for what it’s worth in the economic crisis we are all in… just kiddin :wink:


Very beautiful!! I now also learning to develop Iphone

Nice work on the game, looking great from the screenshots.

You know you have a pretty good start at making a croquette game.

I like the ‘look’ (every Apple-related thing doesn’t have to be glossy) of your game, and the detailed (shadows, ball texture) parts while keeping it clean (not too many objects in the game.

Nice colours. :]

I love how vibrant it looks.

  • just posted a video preview of the game in action, please see the top post for the link.


OK i bit and downloaded this game. Very fun and not too easy. I like that. Many games on the app store are far to easy to play and take little time to master. Well done! The only problem I encountered was (just for fun) I rolled a ball behind the line and, well it basically stopped play. The game didn’t crash but the cpu wouldn’t throw its next ball.

Not a big bug , I won’t do that again. Thought you might like to know.

Island Fog / Chuck,

I sent you a PM about this, to try to work out exactly what you did to be able to get the bowl to roll backwards…?

Thanks for buying and for your comments…

hey i downloaded this great game from apps store. i did send a bug report that the ball sometimes goes behind the mat and the only way to sort this out is to restart the app. also i have had the cpu launch the ball beyond the background and it never changes to the next throw. alllso lol could you sort it out that you could play ipod/ dtunes music in background?

not too bothered about the music but when your playing 8 ends and your close to finishing and for some reason the ball goes behind its pretty annoying.

just one more suggestion what about environmental sounds? and online play?

thanks man but im annoyed that im addicted to this now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Zimmer,

Thanks for the comments and feedback - sorry you are addicted! :lol: (Have you left a review? - if not, a positive one would be appreciated!)

About this backwards bowling thing - I’m about to start working on a fix for this issue right now, its actually quite a hard one to sort as I can not easily replicate/pin-point the exact series of events that cause it (it should not occur according to the logic).

Never-the-less, I’ll get there and it’ll be sorted in the next version… very soon.

Thanks again, and thanks for buying!


Dear Island Fog and Zimmer,

Thanks again for your feedback on LawnBowls for iPhone/iPodTouch, thanks to your feedback I have identified and fixed the rare ‘backwards bowl’ issue.

For the record, in order to determine the initial lean of the bowl (either to the left or right) the bowl about to be rolled looks at it’s target (your finger) in relation to the jack - it shouldn’t look at it’s target if the target is behind the bowl, but if the target is moving rapidly and lifted, it seemed to miss that protection measure - hence managing to look at a target behind itself.

I’ve added an additional protection to ensure the bowl always looks forwards, so hopefully no more issue.

Just about to package it up for the app store - look out for Version1.01 when available.

If you manage to break anything else :evil: please PM me directly!

Thanks again - have you left a review?