On the page about iPhoneSettings.verticalOrientation things are actually the other way around: the default is true (vertical) and you have to set it to false to go horizontal…
I was a bit confused at first because with the iPhone Remote it changes orientation depending on the aspect ratio of the play window and ignores this variable alltogether…
Yup, a generic start up script attached to an empty game object. If you need to have this exist throughout additional scenes you’ll want to make sure that the “DontDestroyOnLoad (this);” is set in that same function Awake ().
In my case I use a script called iPhoneSettings.js that looks partly like this …
// set up default settings for iPhone
static var screenCanDarken;
static var verticalOrientation;
function Awake () {
// set screen orientation and sleep mode
screenCanDarken = false;
verticalOrientation = true;