iphone lightmapped shader with cinema4d... ouch

after painful hours of trying i finaly managed to get files with multible meshes and multible uvs from cinema4d to unity. thanks to modo.

  1. in cinema export two files as fbx each one containing one uv set.
  2. open both in modo, create a second uvmap in one of the files.
  3. copy the uvs from the other file to the new uvmap. (texture > uv operators > copy)
  4. export again as fbx and import into unity.

voilà! :smile:

Which version of Cinema 4D are you using? You should check out this thread here in case you are using R11. I did a video and PDF tutorial on how to lightmap with Cinema 4D.



I know this topic had “iPhone” in the title, but I moved it to External Tools since the topic could be helpful to all Unity users using C4D and Modo.