Iphone touch phase

Wondering if anybody has had this issue before.

When I have a finger placed on screen it detects a touch as well as the correct phase.

When I then place another finger on the screen (first one is still down) it detects another touch but the phase of that second touch is set to moved right after its phase is began. Even if the touch is a simple tap (made sure it was a tap and not a move/swipe by testing many many times).

Is there any way possible that the phases of touches are effecting other touches phases (dont have source)?

This can easily be tested in the occlusion culling demo. Simply place a finger on the left thumb icon as centered a possible (this can be tested numerous times to make sure it is centered and stationary), then take a right finger and tap on the rest of the screen. Result, you move as phase of first touch now changes to a move phase and vise versa.


I am having the same problem!

I am trying to apply the two fingers enlarge movement to use with my character, but so far no lack…

Any help?

I have been working on the double touch all morning and using the fingerId and a boolean I manage to get it working.

for (var i : int = 0; i < iPhoneInput.touchCount; i++)
		var event : iPhoneTouch = iPhoneInput.GetTouch(i);
		if(event.phase == iPhoneTouchPhase.Began)
			if (!first)
				first = IsThumbInsideBounds(event.position, rightSide);
					FSpos= event.position;
					firstID = event.fingerId;
			if (!second)
				second = IsThumbInsideBounds(event.position, leftSide);
					SSpos = event.position;
					secondID = event.fingerId;


I am using the verticalOrientation and divide the space in two, it is almost impossible to have the two finger in just one half of the display.

I hope this help!

Ya I fixed a work around too but it just seems as though something internal is going on that needs to be addressed.

Hi, all,

Would either of you have a solution for a swipe-to-move camera script? I have been searching and experimenting for a while now, but haven’t had much success.

