iPhone tutorals

Are there any simple iPhone tutorials to learn how to use script, selections and so on. I am very new to Unity and to programing in general, and my main problem is, I have no idea where to start.

The documentation seems to explain only unity in general, but not how to use it on iPhone.

The best way to get into it may actually be starting with some of the Unity tutorials. Once you feel really comfortable with Unity, you could have a close look at the example projects that come for Unity iPhone to find out about what are the special things to take care of on the iPhone.

You may also wish to look at the Unify Community Wiki:

Some of these may be more useful, others less (depending on what you want to do, and where you’re coming from).

This means a regular Unity game can be completely reused for the iPhone?

No, usually not - but the know-how you acquire can be completely reused. The documentation does explain the differences (there’s a special section dedicated to those), so once you understand Unity you can get into the iPhone details - but for learning Unity, I’d take one step at a time.

As iPhone is a fairly new technology (Unity iPhone is currently a 1.0.1 version), you won’t find as many resources specific to Unity iPhone as you will find resources for Unity 2.1.

That’s why going the route via Unity “standard” will be easier and provide you with a much more profound understanding much quicker.

Oh, btw - since you mentioned you’re new to programming, I’d recommend starting with:

The Programming Tutorial on the Unity Community Wiki

Programming is a lot of fun when you have the proper foundation - and it’s terribly frustrating if you don’t. So it’s definitely a good idea to take some time to get that foundation and said tutorial should be a good start.

You may also consider getting the first issue of the Unity developer magazine which has a very nice introductory article on Vector maths once you’ve got the basics of programming integrated (aside of many other great articles, of course).

Well… I guess there is no “do my job” button in this engine :wink:

I will checkout the Links, thanks!

Yeah, must be those folks at UT forgot to implement that mandatory feature (but we’re all hoping for 3.0 with a direct-to-brain interface … there are shady rumors of what’s going on at the super-secret UT-labs, ya know :wink: ).

Hey, and welcome!!! :wink:

… and if you have any question along the way - feel free to ask.

I am also a novice, I hope to get started quickly!