Where do I get the iPhone Bundle Identifier from? I have tried the App ID, the Provisioning Profile name, plus many more.
The dialog which says that the iPhoneBundleIdentifier is invalid, says that the value must follow the convention ‘com.YourCompanyName.YourProductName’. What happens if the value does not follow this convention? Is Unity doing any checking of the format of this Identifier?
its generated when you create the profile. check it on the page.
its the whole NUMMERICcom.companyname.xxxxx without the NUMMERIC
so if it was 23422348com.MyComp.MyGame
the bundle identifier is com.MyComp.MyGame
Yea I thought it was the value after the Bundle Seed ID.
It appears there is a bug in Unity then because I have created a multi use Application ID which is of the format ‘XXXXXXXXXX.*’. This is the suggested format on the App ID page on developer.apple.com.
Possiblities I have attempted:
If someone could please check this and provide feedback, I would be very appreciative because I am unable to use Unity to build applications. I will try to do concept proofs using Xcode instead.
its com.XXXXXXXX.someName
the .* there only means that the someName is not a single specified value
also the com. is needed
Cool, I figured it out with your help, it was:
com.[Bundle Seed ID].*
as you suggested. From what that dialog said, I expected that it was only wanting the “Bundle Identifier” which is after the Bundle Seed ID.
Cheers for the help dreamora.
glad it worked and looking forward to your creations