iPhoneGeneration.iPad2Gen ...?

Is there a planned mini-update to Unity to support iPhoneGeneration.iPad2Gen by release day? Or is it supported now and I missed it…


This will be added in Unity 3.4 (it’s possible that there will be a minor release before then but it isn’t likely). For now, the iPhone dev team suggest that you check for the Unknown value of iPhoneGeneration and the screen resolution. This should be enough to identify an iPad 2.

Thanks for the reply. That’s exactly what I’m doing. My layout/feature set for iPad turns off some graphics for performance reasons, and I doubt that’s going to affect too many of my client’s users in the short-term. But I bet a lot of game devs are itching to take advantage of that new processor, instead of dialing everything down to accommodate the lame iPad1 fill rate.

Unless you write own threading code, the new processor only gives you limited benefits as the second core runs unused widely (aside of WWW and potentially audio playback of multiple compressed streams which end on the cpu then)

I thought the fillrate thing, which is the bottleneck for ipad right now, is a GPU thing, right? And ipad 2 GPU has a much better fill rate, right?

Yupp the fillrate problem is GPU based and should definitely “poff” away bascially as the fillrate is assumed to be 4x+ times as high as currently (current gpu is SGX535, the iPad 2 is expected to sit on an SGX543MP2 at least) while we still have the same screen resolution so the fillrate gain is real, not just "theoretical :slight_smile:

There is no “unknown” enum for iPhoneSettings.generation but would be nice to have one.

iPhoneGeneration.Unknown shows up in the editor, but it does not appear to be in the docs on the iPhoneGeneration enumeration page.

does iPhoneSettings.generation – return proper info for Verizon iPhone devices? using 4.2.6 ?

Anyone know what that would be?

It returns the device type, regardless of the carrier or iOS version.

iPhone.generation returns iPhoneGeneration enumeration


Enum values : http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/iPhoneGeneration.html

Wait… this thread is about 1 years old… O___O!!!