iPhoneSettings.generation & iPhone.generation - not reporting iPad2 - Unity bug or mine?


I’ve got a problem where iPhoneSettings.generation isn’t recognizing the iPad2 correctly.
I’m using Unity 3.5.2.f2, but when I log the iPhone settings on an iPad2 I’m getting this -

Debug.Log("iPhoneSettings.generation: " + iPhoneSettings.generation);
Debug.Log("iPhoneSettings.model     : " + iPhoneSettings.model );
Debug.Log("iPhone.generation        : " + iPhone.generation);

Gives me -

iPhoneSettings.generation: Unknown
iPhoneSettings.model     : iPad
iPhone.generation        : Unknown

It’s working fine on an iPod touch I’ve got, reporting the correct Gen4.

iPhoneSettings.generation: iPodTouch4Gen
iPhoneSettings.model     : iPod touch
iPhone.generation        : iPodTouch4Gen

I’ve tried both iPhoneSettings.generation and iPhone.generation, I’m not sure why there are two different interfaces, but neither is working for me, and it doesn’t matter if I build it as a universal or iPad only binary.

I don’t have any other iOS devices to try it on to know if it’s a wider problem.

Has anyone else got this reporting the correct value - iPad2Gen?

Or is this a bug with this version of Unity?


I am having the same problem with an iPhone 4, using the same code (both iPhoneSettings.generation and iPhone.generation). However, it works fine for my iPad 2. Has your iPad been activated yet? My iPhone 4 has not yet been activated so that’s the only reason I could come up with as to why it is not being detected…