I’ve got a problem where iPhoneSettings.generation isn’t recognizing the iPad2 correctly.
I’m using Unity 3.5.2.f2, but when I log the iPhone settings on an iPad2 I’m getting this -
Debug.Log("iPhoneSettings.generation: " + iPhoneSettings.generation);
Debug.Log("iPhoneSettings.model : " + iPhoneSettings.model );
Debug.Log("iPhone.generation : " + iPhone.generation);
Gives me -
iPhoneSettings.generation: Unknown
iPhoneSettings.model : iPad
iPhone.generation : Unknown
It’s working fine on an iPod touch I’ve got, reporting the correct Gen4.
iPhoneSettings.generation: iPodTouch4Gen
iPhoneSettings.model : iPod touch
iPhone.generation : iPodTouch4Gen
I’ve tried both iPhoneSettings.generation and iPhone.generation, I’m not sure why there are two different interfaces, but neither is working for me, and it doesn’t matter if I build it as a universal or iPad only binary.
I don’t have any other iOS devices to try it on to know if it’s a wider problem.
Has anyone else got this reporting the correct value - iPad2Gen?
Or is this a bug with this version of Unity?