My little project uses the Accelerometer to control my player rotation (it solely adds a torque force when twisted) and a touch to add a forward force… simple stuff.
Within the editor everything is running lovely and smoothly and just how i want it to… ie, when you twist the iPod i get a nice constant torque and the screen touch works equally well.
When I install it on the iPod they both seem to flicker - not gfx visually - the touch performance. ie… When i twist, it seems to flicker the torque, as does the touch.
I don’t think it’s a framerate problem as the actual gfx are super smooth… not sure what the fps is but it must be high.
Are there any settings with iPhone Unity that would fix this gitching/flickering touch performance? Or could it be a Physics issue?
I’ve been having similar issues with 1.5, as explained in this thread I don’t think it’s related to physics because it happens with regular game objects as well. Lowering the maximum fixed timestep to .03 seemed to help alot, but I still cannot get perfectly smooth rotations. I think its not syncing to 30 fps correctly, and its really noticeable when you attach a camera to a rotating object.
@Moss - Many thanks for taking the time to reply, and also thanks for the link (sorry i didn’t find that one myself).
I’ve adjusted my ‘Maximum Allowed Timestep’ to 0.03 and I think it has improved it (a bit) but it has not corrected the problem.
To be honest, I was re-reading the Unity Docs section on Time and I’m not sure I fully understand what the values should be set to.
I currently have the values set to:
Fixed Timestep : 0.01
Maximum Allowed Timestep: 0.03
I’m sure my app is running over 30fps… do these values look correctly set?
Has this issue been linked to 1.5 officially? What is Unity’s opinion on this issue?
I’m not sure I want to release this project without having the player control as close to 100% as i can get… the way the game plays, it could causes the player problems and lead to frustrations.
I’m using:
Fixed Timestep : 0.02
Maximum Allowed Timestep: 0.03
I would think .01 fixed timestep would be fine if you don’t have too many rigidbodies. I’ve used it and my game ran about the same as with .02.
ReJ and the docs suggest setting the maximum allowed timestep to .1. When I do that my game is completely unplayable. I haven’t submitted a bug report yet, but I plan to tonight. I would suggest doing the same.