iPod touch identifier different for 1st/2nd gen?


I wonder if there is a way to distinguish between the first and second generation of the iPod touch. Docs say that:


reports “iPhone” or “iPod Touch”. But is the string different for a 2nd gen Touch? Need a way to find out if the device has an accelerometer.

Ah, while writing these lines I could simply query them and if there is any movement, there must be a touch sensor. Well, surely one method, but an identifier would be cool too.

Martin :slight_smile:

There is a difference in the identifiers for the first and second generation iPod Touch. The first gen is 1,1 while the second gen is 2,1 much like how they label the iPhone 2G vs 3G. The 2G is 1,1 and the 3G is 2,1. However, I do not know how to get this info from the device. However, all of the iPod Touch’s and iPhones have an accelerometer.

Hope that helps!

There is no gaming related differences between iTouch 1st and 2nd generation
both have accelerometer and touch, none has vibration

Would be interested to know how you jumped the conclusion that 1st generation iTouch has no accelerometer

I always thought the first gen iPod touch has no accelerometer?!? That’s why I asked. I thought this was one of the things added to the 2nd gen touch…

the only things added to the 2nd generation is mic and speaker.
two unimportant additions for gaming.

Really a mic? I have speakers in my 2nd gen iPod touch - but I never noticed it had a microphone. Does it for sure?

Thanks for clarificaton!

through head phones that have a mic yes

otherwise no.
but the 1st generation does not have either possibility

cool - good to know!

it also has an external volume control