Ipod Touch or Iphone

Does anybody have any advice on what advantages developing games on an Iphone over an Ipod Touch has? (I prosume you can develop on either?).

I know about the obvious things like Phone Network, GPS, Bluetooth, Camera and Mic that are not available on the Ipod Touch, but everything else seems to be the same.

That always happens, I can be trawling the web for ages and only after I post a forum question do I then find some more information :wink:

This is what I found, I dont know if Unity3d Iphone edition has built in options to look after the slight differences in the Ipod and Iphone like the “slient button” issue mentioned here. I’m sure we will find out at Unite :slight_smile:

and don’t forget vibration. I hope Unity can support vibration for iPhone.

Vibration can be a real battery drain on phones, though, so beware…

Well I’ve been a happy iphone owner since July 2007, but if you are on the fence, I would say go for the ipod touch because it’s smaller and lighter, and I think it has the same CPU, GPU, accelerometer and touch screen. Plus you don’t have to sign a contract with at&t or whomeever is the cell phone provider in your country. fwiw :smile:

And be aware that the new iPod touch does support microphone input, at least with the Apple in-ear headphones that will be released soon.

Well I have opted for an Ipod Touch and after a play i’m pretty impressed, Lets hope we get the green light from Apple now :slight_smile:
