IPointerEnterHandler with overlapping colliders

I am using IPointerEnterHandler to do a number of mouse over behaviours. There’s a major problem that I’m having, in that if two objects that use these methods overlap their collider boxes, it only calls OnPinterEnter() on one object.
It’s not random, it’s always the one in particular. If I could just get it to follow the SortingOrder layer for the sprites, that would be tremendous!

Any ideas with this one?


I figured it out!
If you look at the Physics2DRaycaster, it determines the sortLayer from the gameobject that the Raycast hits by finding its SpriteRenderer. However, it does not look for that in the children (and rightfully so for performance reasons).
So to get the IPointerEnterHandler to work with layers, you just need to make sure there is a SpriteRenderer on your highest Parent gameObject, with the sortingLayer you would like to sort by!