Hi all,
Following the new iOS submission requirements that apps support IPv6, we’ve been testing our build using the steps to set up a local DNS64/NAT64 network as outlined here: Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks
We’re able to connect and play locally, however when submitting for Apple, the build is being rejected for failure to connect to a network.
Is anyone in the same situation and shed a bit of light on what’s going wrong and how to fix it?
We’re using TpcClient for socket connection if it makes a difference.
Hi ya’ll, wish i can help but im having the same issue, did you guys check http://test-ipv6.com/ on your ios device to double check if it did go ipv6 locally?
Hi lightbreak,
Thanks for responding. We’re currently going through the NAT64 network, which is sharing the connection, so our external IP is still the IPv4 version, as our network provider doesn’t support IPv6 yet.
From what I understand though, this should be enough to pass Apple validation, as the NAT64 network should perform the necessary conversions to and from IPv6.
When we look at the logs on connecting, we try IPv4 first, and when we get no response, we try IPv6, which will work. Printing the IP of the RemoteEndPoint gives us a proper IPv6 ip as expected.
I guess you have to favor the IPv6 instead of trying the IPv4 first.
Bump. we are also facing the same issue. the app is able to connect to a ipv4 server through Apples recommended NAT64 setup and we do see an ipv6 address being used while creating the socket but the app is getting rejected by Apple as its failing their ipv6 test on their end. Any info would be helpful.
Our app just passed validation yesterday
I posted what happened here: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-ios-and-ipv6-support.404938/page-2#post-2691522
TL;DR: it didn’t work for the engineer testing - they asked another (French) one to talk to us - he tested, it worked. Possible problem internally with Apple
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