I do this for study and test, and think it’s fun, wish you like it despite some bugs
Maybe someday i’ll try to sell it on AssetStore?
Update 2011/12/24
·Implement 3 type of UVMapper.
I do this for study and test, and think it’s fun, wish you like it despite some bugs
Maybe someday i’ll try to sell it on AssetStore?
Update 2011/12/24
·Implement 3 type of UVMapper.
nice stuff,
does it really cut the objects (and removes extra vertices) or duplicates the objects and moves vertices?
how about trying to make a wall, shoot a sphere towards the wall,
then make some random cuts at sphere location?
Thanks for viewing.
it really cut the objects!Meshes are rebuilt when being cutted.
i’ll make a little more fun demo when i have enough time:)
images dont work.
Maybe i just update the thread when you view:)
Now update is done, view it and give me some advice, thanks:)
Images dont work :L
What do you mean “Images dont work”?
Images in this thread don’t work or in the demo(.rar) don’t work?
it’s just an rar file with WebPlayer.html and WebPlayer.unity3d in it, i can download it from the link above.