i have problem with the irc chat package , i tried it on PC and IOS its worked fine but its not work on Android
its work fine on editor , but when i made a APK build file it does not work on the android device ,
i think because the Android need to open a port to make the connection or something like this
i attached the project file , help me please
1175232–45099–$IRC.rar (7.1 MB)
Does it ask for Full Internet Access permission when you install the app?
If not it needs to be added to the manifest.xml file.
no it does not ask for internet access permission .
what is the manifest.xml file ?
I don’t know how to access the manifest file through Unity, but you need that permission in order to connect to the web.
About the manifest.xml, take a look here:
i could edit the manifest file and i add this permissions to the file
but the same problem exist