Hey folks,
ads through an iron source in my Unity3D application worked for a while but suddenly stopped.
I use iron source Unity plugin.
After debugging I see following messages in logs:
2023-02-03 06:20:37.370 14584-14670/ V/ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Null or invalid response. Trying to get cached response
2023-02-03 06:20:37.370 14584-14670/ I/ironSourceSDK: API: onInitFailed(reason:noServerResponse)
2023-02-03 06:20:37.374 14584-14670/ V/ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false automation_log:1675405237371 text: Mediation init failed
2023-02-03 06:20:37.376 14584-14670/ V/ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Q a - old status: INIT_IN_PROGRESS, new status: INIT_FAILED)```
How can I debug the issue?
The same code worked before:
```IronSource.Agent.init(appKey, IronSourceAdUnits.INTERSTITIAL);```
I spoke to my support colleagues about your issue and they recommended that you reach out directly to them through this contact form: knowledge center New 2022.
We also had this exact same issue, that then caused a crash in our games on specific Android devices.
It is strange as it was not an issue (that we noticed) on our existing game, but then we released a hotfix, that didn’t touch the Iron Source pieces.
Then we saw a large uptick in crashes on specific (mostly samsung) devices.
I notified IronSource CS and the response I got bask was weird:
“It looks like the Android appkey you set up (xxx) was meant for testing purposes and only has ironsource as a network setup. I toggled some back end configs to allow live inventory without scraping a play store URL and tested it in my demo app. It looks to be delivering now. Can you please confirm?”