is 2023.3 LTS renamed in to Unity 6? If so why it is preview ? Should I upgrade my existing project to Unity 6 or is it not ready ?
Unity 6 Preview is what we were previously calling 2023.3 - it was not an LTS release, but a regular ‘Tech’ release, and that is why we are calling it ‘Preview’.
Unity 6, coming out later this year, will be what we were previously calling 2023.4 LTS.
We’re adding a third Tech Stream to our Unity 2023 release lifecycle to include production-ready additions for graphics, performance, and productivity.
Editor’s note (December 1, 2023): At Unite 2023 in November, we revealed the new name of the Unity Editor and Runtime. The third tech stream of the Unity 2023 cycle will be named Unity 6 Preview, with Unity 6 replacing Unity 2023 LTS. Refer to our Unite 2023 keynote and Product Roadmap breakout session (coming soon to YouTube) for updates on what will be in Unity 6 and Unity 6 Preview.
Unity 6 New Naming Convention ]( Unity 6 New Naming Convention )
Thank you. But Wasn’t that the LTS versions was XXXX.3 ? I thougth Unity stopped using XXXX.4 post fix.
In previous years the LTS versions have been XXXX.3 because we’ve only had 2 tech stream releases in a year, but for the 2023 stream we decided to do 3 tech stream releases.
In the Unity HUB if I go to installs and pre-releases I can still see Unity 2023.3.0b7 Beta, maybe it is worth to add the new Unity 6 here to cause less confusion
Because if I understand it correctly
Unity 2023.3.0b7 = Unity 6 Beta
Unity 6 preview ( 6000.0.5f1) = Unityt 2023.3.5f1
and the most recent pre-release now is Unity 6 preview (6000.0.5f1)
You’re seeing that because it’s showing you the versions you’ve already got installed; 2023.3.0b7 was released in mid-February, and we didn’t change the names to Unity 6 Beta / Unity 6 Preview until March. If you hit the ‘Install Editor’ button in the top right, you should see that all new available builds have the Unity 6 naming.
Hi @superpig , we were planning to update our unity project from unity 2020 to 2023 LTS, and found there is no 2023 version showing in unity hub however it is present in unity’s website to download.
what stable version of unity 2023 should i use ?
If you read the thread title 2023 is renamed to Unity 6. Unity 6 is still in beta as well. It’s not LTS at the moment.
Unity has a specific usage for the term for “beta” which is now in the past for Unity 6. They call the current release series “Preview” (equivalent to being a tech stream release that’s out of beta)
2023.3 was not an LTS release. It was a tech stream release. 2023.3 was renamed to Unity 6 Preview.
Quite odd phrasing.
The rest of the AI-generated message seems to be reasonable. I would generally direct people to refer to official Unity blog posts linked in this thread (like this one) for official recommendations.