I was wondering about this because I was planning to buy assets this month. Then I noticed some of my wishlist items prices changed. I then did a check at the 3D Models section and filter on price and paid only.
Are you telling me that I can no longer find $2.50 car models? Sorry if I’m missing out on some policy but I’m not a Asset Store publisher so that’s why I’m asking.
Isn’t texture maps quality etc a better guidance than lowest price?
This is not nice, I mean 1 cent ok I understand, but 1 dollar as minimum price should be fine.
Those dollar or two assets probably meant store got flooded with hundreds of low quality assets or thousands of submissions per day while many could have been a single pack. Reviewing each one at some level probably costs more than 30% cut pays of especially if many of them are never even bought. Not sure if a 30 cent cut from a dollar asset even covers all transaction, support etc. expenses
Definitely agree.
And why don’t we get informed by mail? Is Unity3D really that stupid not telling us this but still getting the useless “Hey lets get started” emails while someone is a 10+ year experienced developer? Sometimes I don’t get it.
Now let’s wait until this topic gets locked usual sigh
I think that’s also to encourage publishers to put more value into their assets. I personally wouldn’t buy a single 3D model for $2 because it would lock me to look for models of a specific art style.
Instead, I would look for a large model pack which was made by a single 3D artist who used same art style and modelling method.
It should be up to the seller to determine the price.
Imagine Apple doing this, all payed apps are minimum 5 dollar, and all in app purchases are 5 dollar minimum too.
Let’s see how that goes.
And don’t forget people in countries with lower salaries may not have so much to spend.
How is that working for diversity?
good change, the amount of zero effort $0.99 trash was too high
it should be solved with regional prices like on steam
if unity had moderation as strict as apple has, the asset store would be 95% smaller
also it’s not fair to directly compare b2b and b2c markets
You can’t compare Apple Store to Asset Store. Both serve different kind of consumers and provide different products.
It was up to the sellers to decide the price and it did not work out. Based on some Googling the summary was pretty much the following (based on Unity info and seller posts): Not only Unity lost money but the asset sellers also lost money because low price assets were flooded to the market resulting in a reduced discoverability and unfair competition as some of these assets were flooded by the people you mentioned, low salary/developing country authors.
Comparing to app store does not make any sense as asset store has a completely different and very limited audience. Even a professional, high quality asset can very limited amount of lifetime sales regardless if it’s priced $1 or $10 due the nature of the industry.
But how will these assets that flooded the store at 1 dollar be any less of a nuisance at 5 dollar?
publishers will clearly understand no one will buy their trash for this price so they won’t even publish it
maybe they’ll even unlist their currently published stuff and try to sort and polish it to make some decent $5+ packs
In some way agree with the price compared to the quality over the asset but it triggered me because I finally earned my very first pennies from a game and the first thing I get is increased prices… ugh
@drcrck I disagree with something you said. I’m the kind of guy that spends many pounds and gets like 10 assets instead of spending the same amount and get only 2 HQ assets. Just an opinion.
Take your cheap $1 asset and mark it up to $5. Put it on permanent 50% off sale so it looks like a huge value. Profit.
So now the amount of $5 trash will be too high. How do you think this solves any problem?
I already answered
I’m glad asset flippers will have to pay more for assets. Also Asset Store’s prices are artificially low. Every raise should be welcomed IMHO for the sake of all of us (make Asset Store sustainable again! and all that).
If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge out in San Fran I’d like to sell you. Big money making opportunity, just gotta set up a toll booth.