is a character man made of shadows possible

All right i know this may be simaler my other question but is it posible to make a shadow man (that is a shadow that gives of small wisps of shadow he would be 3d) i would like to know is this could be done and if some one could explai n to me how it might be done i would aprecite it

I’ve tried this, but it takes an artful hand. Use particle systems hanging off each joint and position them nicely. Tricky, but looks interesting. You can also use a fairly transparent texture and dark color, but then it tends to look like dark glass. A shader would probably do the trick, but I’m no shader expert sorry.

even though im no good ethire i think with the shader and texture im fine, i just have to find a werewolf model and use ur advice, i was all so wonder if it was posible to make a sound play at a range and just before my enemy comes into focus i turns invible