I’m trying to make a copy of minesweeper and I made this mechanic where when you click to reveal a non-bomb tile that has surrounding bombs, it will then first move those bombs to empty corners(for now) then reveal the tile.
The problem: The non-bomb tile don’t have surrounding bombs anymore, and because of that it should reveal it’s new surrounding tiles (similar to the second trial in the video above).
I’ve been stuck on this for quite some time and now I’m here. Thanks to anyone who would help!
Here is the code for the tiles, I’ve done a lot of changes to the code before, but I just revert it back to this:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class Cell : MonoBehaviour
public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
public bool isBomb = false;
public bool isRevealed = false;
private BoxCollider2D boxCollider2D;
// public int surroundingBombs
// {
// get
// {
// int bombCount = 0;
// foreach (GameObject cell in Neighbors()){
// Cell cellScript = cell.GetComponent<Cell>();
// if(cellScript.isBomb){
// bombCount++;
// }
// }
// return bombCount;
// }
// private set {}
// }
public int count;
void Awake()
spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
boxCollider2D = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>();
void Update()
count = SurroundingBombs();
void OnMouseOver()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
if (!GameManager.isStart)
void StartCheck()
if (SurroundingBombs() == 0)
foreach (GameObject cell in Neighbors())
Cell neighbor = cell.GetComponent<Cell>();
if (neighbor.isBomb)
GameManager.isStart = false;
void BombSwap(Cell cellToSwap)
Tilemaker tilemaker = FindFirstObjectByType<Tilemaker>();
foreach (var tuple in tilemaker.Corners())
Cell cornerCell = tilemaker.cellGrid[tuple.x, tuple.y].GetComponent<Cell>();
if (!cornerCell.isBomb)
//swap tile position
Vector2 thisPosition = cellToSwap.gameObject.transform.position;
cellToSwap.gameObject.transform.position = cornerCell.gameObject.transform.position;
cornerCell.gameObject.transform.position = thisPosition;
void UpdateNeighborBombCounts(Cell cell)
cell.count = cell.SurroundingBombs();
void Reveal()
isRevealed = true;
spriteRenderer.color = Color.blue;
count = SurroundingBombs();
//check surrounding 0 cells
if (count == 0)
foreach (GameObject cell in Neighbors())
Cell neighbor = cell.GetComponent<Cell>();
if (neighbor != this && !neighbor.isRevealed)
public int SurroundingBombs()
int bombCount = 0;
foreach (GameObject cell in Neighbors())
Cell cellScript = cell.GetComponent<Cell>();
if (cellScript.isBomb)
return bombCount;
List<GameObject> Neighbors()
int layer = LayerMask.GetMask("Tile");
RaycastHit2D[] rays = Physics2D.BoxCastAll(boxCollider2D.bounds.center, boxCollider2D.size, 0f, Vector2.zero, Mathf.Infinity, layer);
return rays.Where(hit => hit.collider.CompareTag("Tile")).Select(hit => hit.collider.gameObject).ToList();