I’ve created a custom event called “funnel”, with a parameter “funnelStep” of type string in the dashboard Event Manager and also have enabled it.
Code for sending the event is like so:
var pars = new Dictionary<string, object>();
pars["funnelStep"] = name;
Analytics.CustomEvent("funnel", pars);
However, in my testing I just see standard events, no custom event… googling this reveals numerous similar complaints. However it is not clear to me if I should be using AnalyticsEvent.Custom instead since documentation hints at either.
I hope this helps. If the problem persists, please email “analytics-support@unity3d.com” to create a Zendesk ticket, please provide the project ID so we can check it.
Already debugged stepped through yesterday to verify the events were indeed being sent. Could have a look at actual network communication as the next step, but TBH I might switch to Firebase before then.
Ok, Analytics.CustomEvent does show up… in the legacy analytics view.
What steps do I need to take for it to show up in the beta view? Checking the obvious: I would assume I am using the beta since other information (including standard events) shows up on the Beta header in the dashboard. If there is a way to prove/disprove (e.g. by stating a required com.unity.analytics package version), let me know.
This kind of illustrates my ongoing headache. I specially looked for a beta API for custom events, but ended up routing to legacy analytics. I have no idea if there’s any way to actually do custom events in the beta.
Thanks for your feedback. It has been noted and passed on to the teams.
The code that you shared seems to be for legacy analytics.
you can go to the following link to gain access to the analytics beta documentation.
Here is a summary of the steps needed to send a custom event to the sdk with a simple example (required Unity 2019.4 and up)
Sign up for the beta if you haven’t already
Download and install the following packages. These can be added directly to your projects PACKAGES folder. open the manifest.json file. Append the following to the dependencies
“com.unity.services.analytics”: “2.0.7-pre.7”,
“com.unity.services.authentication”: “1.0.0-pre.4”
Your project will now have the packages required for analytics beta.
Link your project to the dashboard by going to EDIT > PROJECT SETTINGS
Click on Services and link your project
Create a custom event by going to your dashboard then ANALYTICS > EVENT MANAGER
Add a new event called “funnel” by clicking add new event
Your event is now created in analytics beta. Head back in the editor
Create a new game object called UGS_Analytics (Any name can be given here)
Create a new script attached to the game object.
Add the following code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Services.Analytics;
using Unity.Services.Core;
using Unity.Services.Authentication;
public class UGS_Analytics : MonoBehaviour
async void Start()
await UnityServices.InitializeAsync();
if (!AuthenticationService.Instance.IsSignedIn)
await AuthenticationService.Instance.SignInAnonymouslyAsync();
private void HandleCustomEvent()
//Handle Custom event
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "funnelStep", "Step 1"}
Events.CustomData("funnel", parameters);
// You can call Events.Flush() to send the event immediately
Thanks for the very detailed explanation SebT, it’s more than I could have hoped for! At the very least my packages and calls are off it appears. Will fix, now it feels 100% certain what went wrong.
I’m trying to make these Custom Events as well as you described SebT, but I just can’t see the Custom Events.
I installed the Authentication package, but using Unity.Services.Authentication gives an error.
I keep getting this in my Console. I can see Standard Events fine, but my custom event is not showing up.
Hi Lucian, thanks for reaching out! When you hover your mouse over the error in Authentication, what does it say? Did you download and install the package for Authentication for the project in question?
Also, for your error in your console, when you double click on it, it should bring you to where the error is being generated in your code. Can you share a screenshot of that as well, or if you already know, share the code that is causing the error?
Hi Randy.
The Authentication is not giving the error anymore today. Looks like I just had to restart Unity.
But it is still giving me the same console errors for the events not being uploaded.
They bring me to the UploadComplete function here in the Dispatcher.cs when I click on them. I’m not sure what JSON I’m supposed to go and check.
public void Flush()
// There is still a request pending.
if (m_Request != null)
void FlushBufferToService()
// Serialize it into a JSON Blob, then POST it to the Collect bulk URL.
// 'Bulk Events' -> https://docs.deltadna.com/advanced-integration/rest-api/
(string collectData, int sentTokens) = m_DataBuffer.Serialize();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectData))
byte[] postBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(collectData);
UnityWebRequest request = new UnityWebRequest(CollectUrl, UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPOST);
UploadHandlerRaw upload = new UploadHandlerRaw(postBytes);
upload.contentType = "application/json";
request.uploadHandler = upload;
m_RequestSentTokens = sentTokens;
m_Request = request.SendWebRequest();
m_Request.completed += UploadComplete;
Debug.Log("Uploading events...");
void UploadComplete(AsyncOperation _)
long code = m_Request.webRequest.responseCode;
Debug.Assert(code == 204, "Incorrect response, check your JSON for errors.");
if (!m_Request.webRequest.isNetworkError && code == 204)
Debug.LogFormat("Events uploaded successfully!", code);
// Remove the sent tokens from the buffer because they were accepted
// We have got the internet so the disk cache is no longer needed.
// If the internet fails again, we will flush the buffer from scratch at that time.
if (m_Request.webRequest.isNetworkError)
Debug.Log("Events failed to upload (network error) -- will retry at next heartbeat.");
Debug.LogFormat("Events failed to upload (code {0}) -- will retry at next heartbeat.", code);
// Clear the request to allow another request to be sent.
m_Request = null;
Please show a screenshot of the assets and packages in the Project view, and a screenshot of your Package Manager, we can check for a duplicate library. Have you checked that difficultyMethod is not null? You don’t have a default case in your switch statement. Add the following just before your custom event call, the output will show in the Console window.
Debug.Log("difficultyMethod value = " + difficultyMethod.ToString());
Yes, you’ve imported NewtsonSoft JSON. I might suggest testing your code in a new/empty project without it and compare. Are you actually using all these packages in your game? Generally you only import what you need.
You would want to make a full project backup before deleting components. Another package that you’ve imported may depend on it, but you can certainly try.
It seems the Version Control package was dependent on NewtsonSoft, but I’m not using Collaborate in this project. But I see that the Authentication package lists NewtsonSoft in its dependencies, so I don’t know if I can remove it.
One way to find out! I have Authentication in my project too, but I don’t see the NewtonSoft package separately like in your screenshot. Please follow my previous suggestion with a new project to confirm. Don’t break your current project.
I just created a new project and some packages were automatically installed. NewtonSoft wasn’t there.
I install the Analytics and Authentication packages, and then the NewtonSoft folder appears in the Packages.
It appears that the Authentication package puts it there, since it lists it under its dependencies.