Is creating a class with 100's of properties a good thing?

Hey, I am creating a RPG type system with a ton of properties EG:

    public float defendMin, defendMax, defendChanceMin, defendChanceMax;
    public float attackMin, attackMax, attackChanceMax, attackChanceMin;
    public float trapAttackMin, trapattackmax, trapChanceMin, trapChanceMax;
    public float stealAmountMin, stealAmountMax, stealAmountChanceMin, StealAmountChanceMax;

around 100 vars

When I assign this class to a character and there are a ton of characters would the memory of each of the values be a problem, even if there is no value in them, as if the floats here were equal to 0?
Seeing how each float is 32 bits is the memory stored on the machine if there is a value or not? it may get heavy if I enter into the hundreds of created classes.

Is there a better practice for something like this, or should I even need to worry?

If you don’t intend to have every skill on a character (or even if you do, really), you can create a system based around inheritance to increase versatility and ease of adding additional types and, depending on implementation, additional properties.

When in doubt, there’s always an alternative approach.

To give a simplified example of how you can approach this:

public class Character
	// Your main character's attributes
	public CharacterAttribute[] attributes;

public class CharacterAttribute // The most basic Attribute, with nothing special to it.
public string name; // What is the attribute called?
	public float minEffect;
	public float maxEffect;
	public float minChance;
	public float maxChance;

	public virtual void SpecialSkill()
		Debug.Log("Do nothing.");

public class Steal: CharacterAttribute
	public override void SpecialSkill()
		// Use a special ability, such as an attack while stealing.
		// A SpecialSkill function isn't required, so if there's no skill, there's still an empty function to prevent script errors.
		Debug.Log("Do something.");

In this way, you can add attributes to your character freely with additional classes inheriting from your base CharacterAttribute class.