Is CSP/server reconciliation coming to NGO?

I’ve noticed that on the Netcode for GameObjects roadmap, client-side prediction and server reconciliation are labeled as a feature that is “under consideration”. However, when looking at the documentation for the 2D Space Shooter sample for Netcode For GameObjects, it states more definitively that prediction will be added in the future (e.g. “With future prediction support of Netcode, the latency will no longer be an issue…”). I just wanted to know whether or not this feature is confirmed to be added in the future. I personally really hope that it is, as I feel that this feature is vital for a smooth and secure multiplayer experience.

Hi @AlphaLulz

The roadmap is the most up to date info and our documentation for 2D Space Shooter shouldn’t be referencing features that don’t exist yet, I will fix that up later today.

In general the teams are investigating solutions for CSP and server reconciliation amongst others. There is nothing to announce or confirm on those topics just yet, but they are top of mind.

Apologies for any confusion caused.


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