My programmer and I have been developing a game for some time now, and we’ve been looking at the iOS and Android Pro licenses. These were normally out of our financial reach… but then my game was approved for a grant by my University.
Is it possible to buy a license for someone else? My programmer (who is not a student here) needs this license, not me, and my university would obviously be a little concerned if I just handed off the fee to my programmer.
Use Rights. Conditioned upon your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and payment of all applicable fees, Unity grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license: (i) to install and execute the executable form of the Software, solely for internal use by a single person to develop Licensee Content; and (ii) if you have licensed a version of the Software other than a trial or educational version, to distribute the runtime portion of the Software, on a royalty-free basis, solely as embedded or incorporated into Licensee Content and solely to third parties to whom you license or sell Licensee Content pursuant to an agreement that is no less protective of Unity and its licensors as this Agreement. You may not sublicense the rights granted under clause (a)(i), but you may sublicense the rights granted under (a)(ii) solely to third parties to whom you license or sell Licensee Content to act as distributors thereof pursuant to an agreement no less protective of Unity and its licensors as this Agreement.
There are a couple of ways around this, depending on you exact relationship to the programmer.
If the programmer is a university employee then he can simply use a university owned lisence.
If the programmer is an independent contractor then he can buy his own liscense. If the university has agreed to pay for it he can invoice the university for the expense.