Is grouping in Sketchup advisable?

If I made a large, interior mesh, that I plan to use realtime lighting on in Unity, in sketchup, would it be a good idea to reduce draw calls by making groups of objects in sketchup- so only that group is rendered multiple times in Unity when affected by lights?

In my experience with sketchup, if objects aren’t connected, no matter what you do to them, you can’t get them to be the same mesh. I usually bring it into blender after and make all of the loose objects into one mesh.

This may not happen if you don’t export it the way I do, which is with the pro .3ds exporter.

I always make sure everything is connected- anything that isn’t I remake. I use the fbx exporter myself- but would using individual components rather than one large mesh reduce draw calls?

Boing! SOz.

Bump again. Does anyone know?

boing again. Please.

Really, does anyone here actually know? I have been waiting a while here.

I get what your saying but your a little bit ahead of me .im still working on modeling in sketchup and then using play maker for my export. But if your going to have the interior mesh alot throughout the game then it only seems logical to import the interior as a mesh all by its self into unity so anytime you need the interior in your game you won’t have to make another similar mesh but just change it in unity .i guess what im trying to say is i too use sketch to make my buildings but as far as grouping im still playing around with it and hope to get into lightmapping sometime next with with my sketchup models but if your buildings are going to all have similar objects in or on them like (lights,door knobs, tables etc) model them alone and import them alone so save draw calls and dont have to take away frame rate rendering every light or door knob in the game because then you’ll only have like one door knob thats being rendered on every house…get what im saying? also there’s a free detail loader in the link im about to provide that lets you load/pop in details as your characters in the area if there not then they wont load which saves loading times and frame rate …thats why i gave you advice about your workflow hopefully this will cut back on your load times and frame rate …as far as lightmapping …idk i too use blender for some of my sketch up models