Is IPv6 supported?

Does the unity transform (Netcode for gameobjects) support ipv6 connections, or is it just limited to ipv4?
Thanks in advance!

Netcode for GameObjects itself doesn’t really care whether connections are made over IPv4 or IPv6. This is more something that will vary depending on the transport in use.

The default transport (UnityTransport) doesn’t support IPv6 yet, even though its underlying library (com.unity.transport) does. I believe we just haven’t gotten around to enabling this yet. I’ll check what’s going on with that feature.

In the meantime, you can look at the community-developed transports to see if any of them supports IPv6.

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Just a small update: IPv6 support has landed in UnityTransport and will be available in the next release.


Thank you for your reply, nice to hear that IPv6 will be supported soon on the Unity Transform! Will be helpfull for testing with port forwarding on networks that only support public IPv6 addresses.