Is it even possible to reduce transparent rendering?!


In my profiler, I get 95% of my rendering as transparent and I don’t understand how it works.

When you make a sprite, the image is most likely not a square or rectangle, so there WILL be transparent pixels.
Is that a sufficient condition for transparent rendering to be used instead of opaque?

Since there WILL be transparent pixels in any sprite that is not a square or rectangle, how on earth can I make it such that the OPAQUE rendering is used instead?

I tried Texture Import advanced settings with Mesh Type = Tight, but the generated mesh is nowhere near drawing an accurate contour of my sprite.

I tried to get rid of the alpha channel in my images but it led me nowhere.

What can I do? How can I transfer all that transparent rendering to opaque rendering?

Thanks in advance

Hi Alex,

I have not worked with 2D Sprite and sprite rendarer of Unity 4.x, but you can reduse you tranparant rendering using Unity’s defuse shader.

if you have transparant pixel (as you describe) in sprite or image then you have also another option you can use CutOut based shader, (few people says it’s havey and costly on rendring process and may reduse FPS), 3rd option is create a 3D Geomatry in 3D Max / Blender as per spire opque area and UV Map it with your actual sprtie (it will little time consuming, and increase tries and vertex count in game) but not much have as Unity can hande 70K-80K tries in even mobile patforam.

There is always the technique described in this video from before the 2D support was added to Unity.