I’ve developed a game with unity engine for a year before.
But it’s feel like I don’t know this engine deeply and I’m not a professional yet.
Should I read all unity manual?
How have you studied the engine so far?
I’ve developed a game with unity engine for a year before.
But it’s feel like I don’t know this engine deeply and I’m not a professional yet.
Should I read all unity manual?
No Read the desired topic when needed.
You’re welcome to read whatever you like but that is NOT how you will learn gamedev.
Gamedev can only be learned by actively doing it.
Any other method is simply wasting time. Get to work now, make games, lots and lots of little tiny easy games, building upon what you learn at each step.
Two steps to tutorials and / or example code:
If you go past anything that you don’t understand, then you’re just mimicking what you saw without actually learning, essentially wasting your own time. It’s only two steps. Don’t skip either step.
Imphenzia: How Did I Learn To Make Games:
When I had some leisure time a few years back I actually made myself the goal to read through the entire manual (not: Scripting API) just to understand the basics of every major feature and maybe learn a few things here and there.
It was quite insightful regarding the systems I previously didn’t work with or spend little time with, like Lighting for instance.
I agree with @CodeSmile. You should read the manual documentation, but only the topics that are essential for Unity projects and the features that you will use in your project, not the entire documentation.
Ex: If you are using Lighting in your project you should read the entire lighting guide page and if you are not using physics then you don’t need to read that part.
Of course, just documentation is not enough, you should watch training videos, use discussion portals and practice more.